Workshops, Talks, Teaching

Lunchtalk at the German Committee for Disaster Reduction e.V. DKKV, April 11, 2024: about the connections between crisis and creativity, art and disaster protection;

Aesthetic Transformation Processes – Part I and II, workshop (together with Elvira Hufschmid) as part of the “Berlin Summer University of the Arts” at the Berlin University of the Arts, June 12. – June 16, June 19. – June 22 2023,

Participants at the Berlin Summer School visiting the starting point for the artistic process, the former airport Tempelhof, Foto: Margit Schild

Creativity is a marshalling yard, or: to what extent is necessity the mother of invention? Thoughts and strategies for preparing for “black swans” in disaster and civil protection”, Workshop as part of the “train the trainer-program” at the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, May 10, 2023

“This is how we’re going to tackle the problem for now. Provisional solutions in space”, workshop at the Mozarteum University, Salzburg, Austria, as part of the master’s program “Applied Theatre, Artistic Theater Practice & Society”, at the Thomas Bernhard Institute, October 11th – 14th, 2022

Aesthetic Transformations: Inspiration across disciplinary borders. Workshop (together with Elvira Hufschmid) as part of the “Berlin Summer University of the Arts” at the Berlin University of the Arts, June 27th – July 1st, 2022, course archive

Necessity is the mother of invention, isn’t it? Lecture at the 7th Educational Ethnography Conference: What´s new? at the EUROPA University Flensburg, June 16, 2022,

Improvising at the Provisional. Thoughts on an interdisciplinary practice, lecture as part of the event “Urban Development: Performative!” Perspectives and practical workshop for the festival innomake!, 25.-26. October 2021, Multihalle Mannheim, Organizer: Networking initiative of the National Urban Development Policy “Together for the Quarter”, Curator: Prof. Ulrike Hatzer.

Theatricalization of (everyday) spaces. Workshop at the Mozarteum University, Salzburg, Austria, as part of the master’s program “Applied Theatre, artistic theater practice & society”, at the Thomas Bernhard Institute, October 6th – 9th, 2020

The role of art in improvisation. Lecture by Margit Schild at the “Lette Verein Berlin”, seminar “Visual Culture in Photography”, June 2nd, 2020

Moderation of the “Translation Hub”, together with Elvira Hufschmid, as part of the project “Leaning Out of Windows” a four-year SSHRCC funded interdisciplinary art and science project, in Vancouver, Canada, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, January 25, 2020 , Here you will find more information.

Ideas have siblings. In the network of improvisation. Lecture by Margit Schild at the “Art Conference 2019” of the Institute for Quality Development in Schools, Schleswig-Holstein, on the topic of “Material & Improvisation”, at the European University of Flensburg, November 9th, 2019.

“Aethetic Transformation and Sources of Inspiration”, Workshop at the Berlin Summer School, University of the Arts, Elvira Hufschmid & Margit Schild, July 1st – July 5th, 2019,

“Improvisation and idea development”, FH Erfurt (technical college), FR (Department) Urban and Spatial Planning, June 6, 2019.

“Out of the Blue, Basics of improvisation in art and everyday life”, Workshop at “Participatory Film Elements”, Department of Art and Media Practice at the European University Flensburg, November 23rd – 25th, 2018

“Provisionals and Improvisation.” A lecture based on film scenes, Weissensee Academy of Art, Berlin, May 9, 2018

Exigencies and emergencies, on improvisation and provisional solutions., lecture at the Reliance Theater, Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Vancouver, Canada, February 9, 2018

Off the cuff. Or: “Let’s do it like this for now! Improvise in the provisional. Lecture at Faculty of Fine Arts, Institute for Art in Context, Art in Context study program: Course: Thursday, December 7th to Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Lecture at the Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Vancouver, Canada, The Reliance Theater,
“Exigencies and emergencies: Ideas have brothers and sisters”, Oct 26 2016

Visiting Artist at Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Vancouver/Canada, DAAD – German Academic Exchange Scholarship, 2010 and 2011
Fall semester 2011: Classes for 3rd and 4th year students: Visual Arts Projects, Department for Visual Arts and Material Practice, Senior studio, “Artistic Transformation, arts and physics collaboration”, Team Teaching with Elvira Hufschmid; Visual Arts Projects,
Senior studio, Team teaching with Elvira Hufschmid und Prof. Landon Mackenzie
Foundation classes, first year: “Drawing + 2-D Language”

Fall semester 2010: Workshop for Faculty Members: “An idea has brothers and sisters. Artistic Transformation.“ Nov 24, 2010
Courses for 3rd and 4th year students: Visual Arts Projects, Department for Visual Arts and Material Practice, Senior studio, team teaching with Elvira Hufschmid and Prof. Deborah Koenker,
Foundation classes, first year, 2010: „Creative processes“, team teaching with Elvira Hufschmid

Teaching position for interdisciplinary artistic practice at the Berlin University of the Arts, Faculty of Music, winter semester 2010/2011

“Visiting Professor for Artistic Transformation Processes”, interdisciplinary/cross-faculty teaching project at the Berlin University of the Arts, 2007-2009, together with the group “Stille Post”.

Seminar (together with Elvira Hufschmid): “Emigrating site/Berlin-Vancouver. Aesthetic transformation as an artistic strategy of interdisciplinary teams”. The seminar took place in cooperation with the Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver/Canada, class of Prof. Ingrid Koenig, winter semester 2009/2010.

Research Assistant (C1) at the Leibniz University Hannover, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Institute for Open Space Development and Planning-Related Sociology, 1998 – 2004: Lectures, seminars, workshops, project supervision over 1-2 semesters, from the 1st semester to the diploma thesis.

At the Institute for Open Space Development and Planning-Related Sociology, development processes, design and planning projects were taught and designed in such a way that the spatial environment offers diverse development opportunities for different user groups. Against this background, the causes of social change, different planning strategies and new approaches to design tasks were examined and discussed. This approach is characterized by large-scale concepts on the one hand and interventionist 1:1 experiments, often designed as temporary changes, on the other.